Curiosity ;-)


Una pequeña aplicación basada en el mundo de los logotipos y las marcas 
(en forma de juego) donde poner a prueba tu capacidad de retentiva visual 
en un mundo invadido de imágenes.
Resultat d'imatges de logo quiz

STOP MOTION (animación foto-a-foto)


......más material........


La Capilla Sixtina en Realidad Virtual (VR)


It’s been almost a year since I started my journey into time-lapse photography. This project has been an ongoing process for about 4 months. There was a lot of trial and error involved, and I spent many sleepless nights in many different unexpected places. Creating this film has taught me about patience, and what it really takes to achieve the shot that you dream about in your head. I realized through the process that the gear isn't as important as the passion you put within your work.

This short video is called EXISTENCE. The video is a statement not only about time and progression, but also a statement about the world we have created for ourselves. The basis of the video contrasts the two extremes of life itself: the urban metropolis, and the beauty outside the city. I love to stargaze. Watching the milky-way float across the sky is one of the most therapeutic experiences I have ever felt. If you haven’t experienced it, then I strongly recommend taking the time to do so.


Para los amantes del arte llegó la aplicación que siempre desearon.

Por ejemplo La Primavera de Botticelli tiene poca ampliación. En cambio, El Nacimiento de Venus, del mismo autor, tiene un nivel de ampliación espectacular, pudiendo ver detalles sorprendentes de las pinceladas, el lienzo, irregularidades, los trazos, etc.
Aquí un ejemplo:



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